Recently on a walk at Earth Sanctuary, I was noticing the
many different nurse logs and old stumps from which new growth was coming. This one in particular drew my attention
because of the way the new growth has split the old stump. I started thinking about other situations in
which the new grows from the old. Must the church (local or
universal) split in some way for something new to emerge? I don’t mean split like it has many times
over the centuries into new denominations.
Or for a church to start with a portion of an old one. The new plants emerge from the decay of the
old stump, pushing their way through the old one, pushing parts of it
away. In the church (and many other
human institutions), we are so inclined to fight change, to keep doing things
the way we always have. We resist having
old ways pushed aside to make room for new possibilities, new seeds of
growth. Yet, if growth is to happen, old
ways need to give way – to split away.
It’s actually a healthy way of growth.

I wonder what the new growth is in myself, as I look at the
idea of retirement and of moving to a new community? And what is it that needs to give way in
order for that new growth to happen? What
is the new growth in you – what needs to split away for that new growth to
happen? I think this is how resurrection happens. Resurrection happens when we allow the Holy Spirit to blow through us and change us, push us to allow death of the old and birth of the new.
Ritual often helps us to allow that splitting away to happen - ritual that honors and celebrates what has been, while acknowledging the need for the new in order for life to continue. How will you celebrate that which you need to release in order to grow in your life?
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