Monday, August 26, 2013

Dark Valleys into Hope

Hosea 2: 15 “I will make the Valley of Achor (trouble) a door of hope.”

One road leads to another, smoothly ,
hardly noticing the change.
Other times there’s a bridge
that one must cross,
over a valley, a river
Or a ferry across the sound,
a plane across the ocean.
Life is like that too.
Changes may take place
which we only see
as we look back.

Sometimes it’s a rough bridge,
causing us to slow down
and consider our path.
There are times where we stand
on the edge of a deep chasm,
with no visible way across
or through it.
We stand there, wondering if
there is any hope,
anyway to move on,
anyway to new life.

Do we dare to hope
for new life
for help from God?
Hope is the presence of God!
Look around and recognize the spirit of God,
of Jesus, of Allah, of Buddah
Present in the people around us.
You may find that spirit where you least expect it.

That spirit will be our bridge,
our pathway over the chasm,
through the dark valleys.
The valley will become a doorway
to hope and to
the possibility of new life.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Where do you grow?

Are you in an environment that supports your growth?  These tiny mushrooms and the moss both need a shady, cool, moist place to grow.  The forest needs these plants to be healthy, just as the plants need the forest.  Sometimes we try to thrive in an environment that is totally wrong for us.  Look around you—are you in the right place?