Wednesday, November 11, 2020




A  question of warmth

 Blustery, chilly days

curtail November walks

prefer the warmth of home.

Heating pad warms my bed,

Hot chocolate warms me inside.


In the rain and wind,

autumn leaves swirl and dance

their way to the ground,

covering the earth,

providing warmth for plants.


Tents in freeway green belts,

vacant lots,

provide meager shelter

from long nights,

gloomy skies, raw temperatures.


Warmth, taken for granted at home;

inadequate, at best, in encampments.

Is warmth

a luxury or

a basic need?


      ©  Marcia McLaughlin


















Friday, October 30, 2020

Change Just Is

 A poetry group I belong to chose a theme for November of "anaphora," which means repetition of a phrase at the beginning of a sentence, a section, etc.  Interesting challenge!  I've been thinking a lot about change as we go through this pandemic and as there are personal changes in my life.  Hence this poem.  

Change just is.

Prolific, idyllic summers

transition to crisp, blustery autumns,

then stormy, frigid winters,

to the green resurrection of spring,

and return to summer.


Change just is.

Consider the phases of the moon.

New, crescent, gibbous, full,

disseminating, balsamic, new.

A continuous revolution.


Change just is.

Perhaps subtle or dramatic

Perilous or beneficial

Irrevocable, transcendent

Incremental, miraculous

Baffling, profound

and always inevitable.


Change just is.

Our response is our choice.

Resist the unjust, the irrational.

Suspension of transformation

of self, others, or the world

is not possible.


Change just is.