Friday, July 5, 2019

Intentional Living

On June 13th, 2019, a good friend left this life. She is now without pain, free of a body that was no longer functioning as it should.  We gave her a wonderful celebration on the 29th of June.  So many wonderful words were spoken; beautiful music; stories told.  We also had the opportunity to celebrate with her before she died – to share stories with her and sing together.  As I reflect on these last few months with her, I wonder if I’m doing that enough with people I love.  How often are we walking through life, side by side, but not really paying attention to those we love?  Diane, you have left me with a desire to live more intentionally; to spend less time in constant motion and doing; to just be with others and to be with myself. 

I’ve been reflecting for over a year now about doors and bridges.  My experiences with Diane have led me to a bridge into a new way of life.  How I live this out is yet to be seen.  I wonder though, how are you being called to live more intentionally?  Our culture demands constant action and reaction.  Yes, sometimes we need to react and/or take action.  Perhaps though we can slow down and live in a way that calls us into intentional relationship, into paying attention to one another.  Where or how are you being called to live differently?  In Mary Oliver's well known poem, Summer Day, she asks, and I think Diane asks us, What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

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